
Workskil's Geared 4 Work

Geared 4 Work is a driver mentor program for learners up to the age of 25 who are registered with Workskil Australia’s Transition to Work or Flexible Learning Options programs.

Geared 4 Work, a free program by Workskil Australia, supports young job seekers by alleviating financial constraints and providing supervised driving hours to help you obtain your driver's licence, enhancing flexibility and independence. They can pair you with a driver mentor/supervisor to help you gain enough experience to fulfil your requirements and become a safer and more confident driver.


Geared 4 Work is available to participants in their Flexible Learning Options or Workforce Australia - Transition to Work programs.

Their locations include:

- Northern Adelaide

- Western Adelaide

- Whyalla

- Port Lincoln

- Port Augusta

- Port Pirie

- Kadina

To learn more about Geared 4 Work, and how to register, you can call Workskil or submit an enquiry via the online form.


Compass Catholic Community

Located in the northern suburb of Davoren Park, Compass Catholic Community is a fee-free school for 17 to 24 year olds. It is an alternative education option for people who have disengaged from schooling or employment, and are wanting to move back into education. Young adults can co-design their learning and participate in projects and workshops and complete SACE Stage 1 and 2 and some VET courses are also available.

There is a free on-site childminding for pre-kindy aged children that students have care of, as well as free breakfast and showers available.

If you are aged 17 to 24 years old, and interested in finding out more information, complete an Expressions of Interest form or call the school on the number below. People of all faiths and backgrounds are eligible to enrol.


School Card Scheme

The School Card scheme offers financial assistance with school fees (materials and services charges) for students attending government schools in each year.

If your school fees (materials and services charges) are less than the School Card subsidy, the scheme can also help with other educational expenses such as uniform, camp and excursion costs.

School Card is available to: families with children aged four years and over who attend school full time, independent full-time students studying year 10, 11 or 12 or adult re-entry students undertaking subjects to complete their SACE.

Eligibility for applications lodged in 2022 is based on the family's gross income in 2020/2021 - see website below for income limits.

For students at non-government schools, parents are encouraged to speak directly to the school about financial assistance.

Applications can be submitted online via the link below or you can request a form from your school


Skills SA - Skill Finder

Training that works for you. If you want to study a course that will give you skills employers need, you may be able to pay reduced course fees.

To check your eligibility, please visit the website link provided or call 1800 673 097.


Sports Vouchers

The Sports Voucher program provides a discount of up to $100 on sport, dance, learn to swim or scouts/guides fees for children living in South Australia in Reception to Year 9, each calendar year. The aim is to increase the number of children participating in physical activity by helping to reduce cost as a barrier.

From 1 January 2025, the program will double to 2 x $100 vouchers and for the first time, include music lessons as an eligible activity.

Use the Find a Provider tool on the Sports Vouchers website to search for a registered provider in your area or speak directly with the organisation you are registering your child with.
